There are not words enough to tell of the attributes of the Holy Spirit.
However, in this sermon outline I am listing seven of those wonderful
characteristics that we see in Him. Many times we do not appreciate what He is
doing for us 24/7 of the time. As we think on these seven verses may it help us
to let Him work more closely I our lives. I am using both the KJV and the AMP
translations of the Bible in this outline.
John 16:1-16
I. The Holy Spirit is our source of power here on earth.
Acts 1:8 (AMP) But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might)
when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in
Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the
earth. A. Serve the Lord. B. To witness for the Lord. C. To have fruit in our lives D. To over come the devil and his works.
II. The Holy Spirit has a will. 1 Corinthians 12:11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit,
dividing to every man severally as he will. A. His will for us in the Word of God. 1. God's Word is God's Will. 2. God's Will is God's Word.
3. Lloyd Ogilvie "When Gods plan for our life becomes the
passionate mission of our life, then Gods power becomes our power."
III. He is our prayer partner.
Romans 8:26 (AMP) So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up
in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it
worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and
pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for
utterance. A. He aids us when we are weak. B. He directs our prayers. 1. He does this many times by laying needs and people on our
hearts. 2. Charles H. Spurgeon "God will not be absent when His
people are on trial; he will stand in court as their advocate, to plead on their
IV. He is all knowledge. He is all knowing. 1 Corinthians 2:10 Yet to us God has unveiled and revealed them by and
through His Spirit, for the [Holy] Spirit searches diligently, exploring and
examining everything, even sounding the profound and bottomless things of God
[the divine counsels and things hidden and beyond man's scrutiny]. A. He helps us understand the Word of God and in doing so we can find the
Will of God for our lives. B. He puts that Rhema Word in our hearts.
V. His language is a perfect language.
1 Corinthians 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the
words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing
spiritual things with spiritual. A. I often say that the Holy Spirit is the best teacher.
B. He uses the best of all languages. 1. For one thing he can bypass our ears and minds and speak
direct to our hearts.
VI. It is the Holy Spirit that sheds God's love in our lives.
Romans 15:30 (AMP) I appeal to you [I entreat you], brethren, for the sake
of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love [given by] the Spirit, to unite with me
in earnest wrestling in prayer to God in my behalf. A. If we need more love in our lives for others, wait on the Lord. B. Ask God to refill you daily with His Holy Spirit. 1. We always have His Spirit from the day of our salvation. 2. We can have a fresh anointing daily by waiting on the
Lord. 3. I begin every morning by confessing to the Lord, myself
and to the devil that Jesus Christ is Lord! VII. The Holy Spirit is goodness. One old evangelist would say in almost
all of his sermons, God is a Good God! He really is. Nehemiah 9:20 (AMP) You also gave Your good Spirit to instruct them, and
withheld not Your manna from them, and gave water for their thirst. A. Nehemiah here says that God gave His Good Spirit, why?
1. To instruct. 2. To supply all there needs. 3. Jesus taught us to pray saying, "Give us this day, our
daily bread."
THE GOODNESS OF GOD. by Philip Pascal His goodness is an ocean that has no shore.
A Mountain that has no summit. A Road that has no end.
Not meager, but much. Not skimpy but sufficient. Not little, but limitless•
Not barely, but bountiful• Not feeble, but full.
God bless you and yours!
On behalf of this generation, Your friends in the service of Christ,
and Marge Abram
Abundant Life Crusades
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