Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Missionary Evangelists Tony and Marge Abram
Volume 56 #3

This is a special year for both Marge and myself.

It will be later this year on November 20 we will be celebrating our 57th year of marriage and our 57th year of Missionary Evangelism to the Nations.

Then on September 6th, Marge will be celebrating that special 80th birthday. Then earlier still, I will be having my 80th birthday on May 27th where I am trusting God for a new Mosaic anointing as did Moses when he entered his ministry at 80. (I am not saying I am a Moses, but have a desire to do all I can for God's Glory.)

Also on May 15th, it will be 60 years since I received a divine call to the ministry while in the Army. Most important of all, I celebrated my 62nd spiritual birthday as I was saved on February 17th 1957.

My birthday present for this year would be to see a multitude of souls coming to Christ. In our newsletter this month, I am sharing some of my testimony in coming to Jesus.

We feel that in this way you will know a little more about us and thus know how to pray more effectively for us.

We know that the more people praying for our ministry, the greater will be the harvest. I have been preaching this wonderful Gospel of Jesus Christ for 60 years. I was born in Pennsylvania and raised in a Jewish-Catholic home. My father was Jewish, born in Lithuania of the former Soviet Union. My grandfather studied to be a Rabbi before they came to the USA.

My mother’s people were from Slovenia. She would be happy and proud to know that President Trump's wife was born in Slovenia.



 I was born again on the 17th of February 1957 in a Kathryn Kuhlman meeting in Youngstown, Ohio.

My life has been an amazing work of the grace of God. God did three wonderful miracles to lead me to Christ. The first was when He planted a seed in my heart. My mother was very sick just skin and bones. The doctor said “No hope for you, Mrs. Abram.” Then in her hopelessness, someone told her to listen to Kathryn Kuhlman on the radio. When my mother heard the testimonies of healing, hope came into her heart.

Hope always precedes faith.

When we give our testimonies of what God has done, we are giving hope to people. We cannot give faith. God gives faith through His Word. We can be ‘hope givers’ when we tell others what Christ has done for us. With the assistance of my Uncle Frank, (Mom’s elder bother) she was able to get to the service at Carnegie Hall in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, She heard the Word and received Christ as her Personal Saviour.

Kathryn Kuhlman called her out and told her condition by the spiritual gift of the 'Word of Knowledge.’ Kathryn prayed and God healed my mother. My mother was then the instrument God used to pray the whole family into the Kingdom of God from both my father’s and my mother’s side of the family. It took over 20 years but all came to Christ. My Dad was the last one. My brother Frank and I baptised him in the Gulf of Mexico.

Mom stood on the promise of Acts 16:31 “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Mom believed this promise and God did what He said He would do!

Then about two or three years after her healing, God did a second miracle in our family.

One day my father came home from work sad and discouraged. He was told he would not be able to work any longer as they had found holes in his lungs. He did secret work during WWII and had to have exams every six months. My father loved to work. He said to my Mom, “What can I do?” Mother said, “You are going to Kathryn Kuhlman’s service tonight in Pittsburgh.” He said that he was not a believer.

Mom replied with . “But I am!” She said she had to stay home with the baby but that Sonny (me) would go with him. I remember, when we arrived, my father looked happy because the hall was packed with many people outside and we would not be able to get inside.

Dad told me, smiling, to be sure to tell Mom we could not get in because of the crowd. As we were turning to go back home, a voice shouted from the upper window of the hall for my father to wait.

It was a Christian man from work. He said he had been praying for Dad and that he was so glad he was there. My father said, smiling again, that he could not get in. The man said he would get my now, unhappy Dad inside.

He almost dragged us behind him as he went into a side door to get to the balcony. He shoved us inside and locked the door. We could not escape. We were packed like sardines.

Dad lifted me onto a windowsill to sit and he stood against the wall. I was reading a Superman comic book I had brought along, when Kathryn stopped the singing.

She pointed to the balcony and said that there was a man there that had holes in his lungs.

I looked at my Dad. His face was red as a beet. I poked him and said “Dad, that’s you! He put his finger to his lips and told me to be quiet. Then she said he would lose his healing if he did not acknowledge it.

She said, “Raise your hand.” Dad raised his hand half way up, hidden to all but thank God for one elderly lady standing nearby who shouted, “Here he is, Kathryn!” Kathryn made eye contact with him and said, “You are the man.” Then she said, “You are not a believer, but your wife is at home praying and believing for you. You are Jewish, is that correct?”

My father just shook his head up and down. “Do you receive your healing?” He said, “Yes” and my father was healed that moment! I could not understand how she knew all this. We did not even have a phone.

The next day the new x-rays showed my father was healed.

Then, when I was fourteen, I was healed of large growths on my neck when my mother went to a Kathryn Kuhlman’s service, praying and fasting for my healing.  She called my Mom out and prayed over her. When Mom came home, she found me totally healed!

However, the greatest miracle took place on the 17th of February 1957. I was seventeen years old and had a bad reputation as a senior in High School. My mother promised me a full tank of gas for my car if I took her to a service 45 miles from home in Youngstown, Ohio. 

Kathryn Kuhlman preached. I did not listen. At the end of the message, when her 100 voice choir sang ‘Softly and Tenderly, Jesus is Calling,’ (little did I think I would singing in the same choir less than 6 months later) I could see Jesus in a vision on the platform with His arms outstretched to me, calling me to salvation.

I ran forward, repented and received Him as my Personal Savior. When I stood, it was not the same Tony Abram that came to that meeting. I was a new creation in Christ.
(2 Cor 5:17 KJV) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Sister Kuhlman pulled me and another young man to the platform and prayed over us. Then she laid her hand on me and said that if I would be true to God, He would take me into many lands and that I would be a blessing to many people.

God has honored that prophecy over the years.

I may share a little in our next report how that while in the Army God gave me another vision and how He called me into this ministry I now have.

I have counted it a privilege and high calling to carry out the Commission Jesus gave us in Mark 16:15 (KJV) And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.  

Next to receiving Christ and being saved, winning a soul is the greatest JOY we can experience! Our crusades have attracted many thousands in a single service. Multitudes around the world have been blessed through the ministry. Our ministry is for all people and churches, being full gospel and interdenominational.


We thank God for the hundreds of churches which we have helped plant, build, bought and thousands of workers we have taught on soul winning and more than 100 native workers, plus orphans we are supporting monthly, along with the many training and Bible schools we are helping. You see why we need your prayers.

Our prayer is that our latter years may count more in the Work of God than our former years.


We must continue to decrease and Jesus must increase! We are trusting for a vast harvest.

God bless you.

Tony & Marge Abram

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